Written by Henry Naylor
Directed by Michael Cabot
Produced by Redbeard Theatre, UK
The 2017 winner was “Borders” by Henry Naylor, directed by Michael Cabot, produced by Redbeard Theatre UK. It had a very successful run in New York in June and July of 2018.
The play about two highly dissimilar people — however —both desperate to flee their lives. One, a pregnant artist, attempting to escape the horrors of Syria. The other, a popular photographer in London, who realizes his work would be beneficial, not shallow, if he went to the Mideast to record the toll of war.
“Borders” will be presented at New York Theatre Workshop’s 4th Street Theatre as part of their “Next Door” program, June 27th, 2018 — July 22nd.
An opening, benefit performance to help support the transfer of plays from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to New York will be held on Thursday, June 28Th. Please email Carol@BestofEdinburgh.org for an invitation.

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.