Dear theatre friends,
Here we are– the last month of annus horribilis, with several ideas to make it a bit less horribilis.
No time to lose– Irish Rep is having a reading tonight at 7pm of “Plaguey Hill,” a new play by Paul Muldoon, read by Liev Schreiber.
While at the irish Rep site, be sure to book for “Meet Me in St. Louis.” Not only will this holiday musical transport you in space, but in time as well. It takes place just before the 1904 World’s Fair.
From the wonderful Citizens Theatre of Glasgow comes “Fibres” by Frances Poet, streaming until December 23rd. It’s described as a drama about a shipyard worker’s family, and their particular Glaswegian resilience. Try it– the venerable Citizens Theatre offers consistently fine work.
The extraordinary Finborough Theatre presented the world premiere of the Amnesty International’s Protect the Human Playwriting Competition Winner, ““S-27,” by Sarah Grochala, in 2009. Here’s a video of that production, which you may have missed. Please read Lyn Gardner’s four star review, and you won’t miss it now!
National Theatre At Home is now offering many of their past shows on demand. I’ve heard a rumor that “Yerma,” an electrifying adaptation of Garcia Lorca’s classic, will shortly appear. Do sign up for their monthly mailings to be sure you catch any new additions to the archive.
You can also subscribe to Brooklyn’s very own Moliere In the Park to see the live stream of “Pen/Man/Ship” by Christina Anderson, on December 12th at 2pm and 7pm. Surely it will be more comfortable at home than in the park!
If Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without “A Christmas Carol”— do see the “Jefferson Mayes” version. Since his performance of “I Am My Own Wife,” Mr. Mayes’ instantaneous transformation from character to character is etched in my memory. I’m sure he can inhabit Scrooge and some 50 other roles with astounding ease!
And again, to close– you may have missed my previous newsletters with the exciting announcement that my 2017 Best of Edinburgh Winner, “The Flying Lovers of Vitebsk” will be streamed December 11th- 18th. It is sheer joy! And to you, my readers, an extra incentive to book– a 50% discount with the code “flovfriends.”
That’s all for now!
Aren’t we fortunate to be living during this plague and not Sophocles’? Or, are you overwhelmed by choice?
Again, if you discover other theatre-related news– please get in touch:
And, need I reiterate? I’d like to continue to write because so many have expressed their enjoyment of reading– but I must have content!
Please send other theatre related information, or do try to recall a story you’d like me to post.

Carol Tambor publishes a monthly newsletter, which announces worthy shows coming to New York, along with occasional information about London theatre and, of course, the Edinburgh Fringe.